September 21, 2010

The Great Outdoors!

Lately, we have been spending A LOT of time outside. Kade spends most of his day standing at the front door, banging on it and pretty much begging (in his own way :) to go outside. Now that the weather has finally cooled off (I am not sure if you can count 90 degrees as cooling off, but we will take it!) a little we are enjoying the great outdoors. He loves to get all of his machines- tractor, cozy coupe, little tykes car- and push them up and down the driveway. We have also been going to the park a lot, but that needs to be a whole other post. We are working on trying to listen while we are outside, it isn't going too well. I think there is just too much going on. Inside, Kade can follow simple commands like "Please bring me (fill in the blank.)" Or, "Come into the kitchen, it is time for lunch," etc. When we are out he runs like a maniac in any direction, towards the street, and pretty much anywhere else he is not suppose to go. I guess he likes the freedom, but he has to learn that there is reason for rules! Here are a few pictures of our time outside!

Where's Kade? Not listening, that is for sure :)

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