March 25, 2011

Conversation with a 1 year old?

Yup I didn't think it was possible. I mean I can talk to Kade all day and for the most part he understands what I say. But he has been a slow talker so I don't hear that much out of him. But this morning, I asked him a question and he RESPONDED. Now let me say this, I don't think this technically counts as a "conversation" but when you are a stay at home mom and you spend your day talking to a one year old I will take ANY response as a conversation. I have been waiting for the day that he responds to something I say to him (other than a smile or a laugh :) and this morning it happened!! It went something like this:

Me,"Kade are you hungry for breakfast? Do you want some oatmeal?"


So like I said, not a real conversation and if someone told me this story before I was a parent I would think they were ridiculous. But it is the little things once you are a mom, and it has made my entire day! Obviously so since I am making an entire post about it :)

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