April 11, 2011

A trip to the farm.

This past weekend we made a last minute trip back to Petersburg because Daryl and Brandi had their sweet little baby girl, Briley! She was about 4 weeks early, but after a few days in the NICU she was ready to come home. We were so happy to see her and snuggle with her, she is just precious!

We hadn't been back since Christmas and I knew always knew Kade would like the farm, but I didn't realize how much he would LOVE it this early on! I mean for a boy whats not to love? He has lots of room to run and play and G-dad has several tractors and other fun (BIG!) machines that he uses for the farm. It is like a little boy's paradise! Kade really loves tractors, they are about equivalent to trains in his eyes. When he was first learning to talk his first three words were dada, no, and tractor. Nope, no mama, but tractor. Pronounced "tac-toooor" On our drive back to Petersburg we pass a lot of farms, therefore a lot of tractors. We kept hearing in the back, "TAC-TOOR, TAC-TOOR!!!" And when we passed the John Deer dealership, he just about went crazy.

I didn't take a single picture while we were there (dang it!) but I just wanted to list a few things that Kade did while visiting Meme and G-dad.

  • Got to see a "tac-toor" up close and personal
  • Go for a ride in in the tractor with Uncle Daryl
  • Rode with Meme up front in the golf cart to go take a look around the farm to see all the fun stuff. And let me tell you, little man was proud! he sat in the passenger seat buckled in with a HUGE smile on his face the whole time
  • Jumped on the trampoline with Braxton, otherwise known as Super Cool Kid :)
  • Went for a ride on a four wheeler (very, very slowly with Daddy)
  • Got to play with approximately 10 tractors at Meme and G-dad's, along with 859428 other toys 
This is just the things I can think of off the top of my head, and obviously you can see why he was in little boy heaven. And to top it off G-dad went and bought Kade his own toy tractor. I am pretty sure that Kade never wanted to come home :)

This is a complete and total side story, but something that I want to remember because it made Bryan and I laugh. On our way home Sunday, we stopped at Sonic in Seymour for lunch. We were sitting in the car and we let Kade out of his seat to climb around. Our food arrived and Bryan was setting the drinks in the cup holders. Kade grabbed his milk jug and loudly pronounced, "MOOOOOK" We laughed and had him say it 85892902 more times. Bryan then says, "you know Kade sure is smart to combine Moo and milk since milk comes from a cow." I responded with, "Yup he totally knew what he was doing and did that on purpose."

Ahhh such is life as parents, we all think our kids are geniuses :)

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