May 17, 2011

Day 1- Planes, Trains, and Automobiles

I decided to break our trip up by day so I didn't miss anything and that way I can post more pictures :)

Our first day was spent traveling. We made it to Paris after a grand total of 16 hours of travel. I have to say that even though Bryan and I were miserable (Kade didn't have his own seat and our long flight was full so he was in our laps for 8 hours of the long day) Kade did really well. He was so tired and fought going to sleep for about an hour, but once he was out he slept for about 5 hours of the 8 so not too terrible, we were just really uncomfortable! Once me finally made it to Paris we were so relieved to be off the airplane. We made it through customs really fast (you get special treatment when you are traveling with a toddler/with a stroller/while pregnant :) Everything was smooth sailing, or so we thought.

We headed up to baggage claim, and our bags never made it. Luckily we carried everything on that we possible could, but Bryan and I had checked our bags so all of our stuff was missing. We went to talk to someone about it and our bags were left in North Carolina (we had a layover there) They promised they would be on the next flight to Paris but that meant they wouldn't make it until 8am the next day. That meant another 24 hours in the same clothes, and we weren't too hopeful that they would actually make it then. But we decided not to let it get us down. We found the train and headed into town to go find our hotel.

After several train/metro changes and a short walk we made it to our hotel. We went to check in and they couldn't find our reservations. Luckily I was super organized (everything was printed off and put in a folder in the order that we would need it so I knew exactly where this was, slightly OCD?) and I had the paper with our confirmation number on it. They said they said they were going to contact our booking agent and see what happened. At this time it is probably 9am Paris time and the company we booked through didn't open until 8am eastern time. With the time difference and everything factored in we wouldn't be able to know anything for about 6 hours. So we left our luggage and headed out to explore Paris stinky, tired, with no place to stay. At least we are always up for an adventure!

My hubby said it best after this all happened, "We might not have any clothes or a place to stay, but hell we are in Paris who cares!"

I couldn't have said it better myself :)

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