May 2, 2011

Easter 2011

Easter this year was very low key. The Saturday before we went to Nanny and Pappy's new house for our family get together. It was fun as always. And the kids even got to test out their new pool! It was still a little cold for my taste but Hailey, Ashlyn, and Kade didn't think so and they spent the day swimming! On actual Easter, we woke up early to see what the Bunny left. He was excited that "choo-choo's" made it in to the basket! We then put on our Sunday best and went to church. The service was great and we weren't called out to come pick up Kade from the nursery! Yes!! After church, we went to lunch and then came home for naps and resting. When Kade woke up we dyed some Easter eggs, which Kade totally got and did them all by himself! After a little bit of play time outside, we loaded up and went to ihop for dinner. I know, I win the mom/wife of the year award, but I was exhausted after a busy weekend and didn't feel like cooking. Plus, you can never go wrong with ihop for this breakfast loving family! It was such a great day and I love love love holidays so much more now that I am a parent! It is crazy to think that this time next year we will have a 2.5 year old and a 7 month old! How fun!

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