June 23, 2011

Father's Day

We had a great laid back Father's Day this year. On Sunday, we went up to my parents and cooked out and enjoyed hanging out. I am so thankful for my dad and all that he has done for me. I am so proud to call him my dad. I am also married to a wonderful man who is an absolute amazing father. I love watching Bryan and Kade interact. When I was pregnant with Kade, I tried to imagine what kind of parents we would be, and I couldn't even dream big enough when it came to what kind of Dad Bryan is. He loves being Kade's dad so much and it shows with all that he does for us! I love that he is wrestles with Kade, calls him The Dude, reads his bedtime stories, teaches Kade how to do things like catch a ball, plays the piano with him, and lets Kade "play" his guitar with him, and so much more. (I walked in the other day and he was trying to teach Kade to jump with both feet off the ground, things like this just make me smile :) Kade looks up to his daddy so much and EVERYDAY when Bryan gets home home from work we have a little mini party. Kade shouts "Daddy's home, Daddy's home!" There is jumping and dancing involved. He gets quite the reception, and I get a little jealous! We are so thankful for Bryan, and I thank God everyday that he gets to be the father of my children!

This year, I took Kade to Home Depot's kid workshop and he (I) built Bryan a toolbox! It is a TEENY TINY toolbox that won't hold any tools, but it was the thought that counted :) Bryan took it to work to proudly display on his desk!

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