June 14, 2011

The Graduate!

Today, Kade graduated at the little gym! Their semester is over and he will be moving from the birds class to the beasts class! It is a big deal, so of course we made Daddy come! We signed up for the summer session and it will probably be our last. It makes me sad to think about it because it has been so much fun taking Kade for the past year and a half. But since Ella will be born in September and Kade will be starting Mother's Day Out in the fall, I know our days are numbered! My boy is getting so big and I have loved watching him learn at the Little Gym. Today he showed Daddy that he could swing on the bars, do a front roll with help, almost jump with both feet on the ground, swing on the rings, and walk on the beam all by himself!

Kade's class normally has 8 or 9 kids in it, but only 3 showed up today.
Congrats little Graduates :)

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