June 14, 2011

Pregnancy Update

As of this Thursday I am 28 weeks pregnant. HOLY COW! It is flying by!! I had my 28 week appointment on Monday and all is well and Ella is growing right on track. I am officially in the miserable stage of pregnancy, Dr. Robbins told me it would happen faster this time around, but I thought it would be a few more weeks. This pregnancy overall has been a lot harder than my pregnancy with Kade. I am just trying to stay cool, which is impossible when the temperature is 100 degree, and rest as much as possible, which is also impossible with the wild toddler I spend my days with! But I am just hoping that I can make it through this last trimester with no issues and enjoy these last few months with my sweet boy before our lives are turned upside down!

On a side note, we are actually almost finished with the nursery! It happened faster than I had planned in my head, but once we moved Kade to his big boy bed we just had furniture stacked in our guest room. It was completely stressing me out so we hit it hard one weekend and almost finished, minus a few little details. I am LOVING the way it is turning out. It is PINK, girly, dainty, airy, chic, fresh, and oh so cute! It looks like a little ballerina should be living in there! I can't wait to take pictures when it is all finished! I also made Ella her first bow the other night. It is far from perfect, but it actually came out looking like a bow! I was surprised!

I can't wait to make her some more, just hopefully the next ones won't be lopsided!

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