July 11, 2011


Kade had his very first dentist appointment on July 5th. I was told by his pedi that he need to go just for a check up sometime before his 2 year well visit. I waited as long as possible because taking my strong willed boy to the dentist sounds miserable. But I got my act together and scheduled his appointment and off we went. We talked for several says about the dentist and practiced saying "aahhh," and I was feeling good about it. We after all of our practice and preparation the dentist came in and to put it nicely, all hell broke loose. Kade FREAKED out, he was screaming, yelling and crying. The dentist and I had to hole him down so she could look in his mouth, at least he was screaming and she could see in there. The time spent with the dentist was about 5 minutes and it seemed like an eternity. But the good news is he got a clean bill of health and we were told his teeth looked perfect! WooHoo!

Practicing on the way there didn't do much good...

A little playtime before the screamfest.

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