July 7, 2011

Movie Date

I bought Kade the movie Cars several months ago to take with us on our trip to Europe. My boy LOVES cars, trucks, tractors, and basically anything else with wheels. It was love at first sight when he watched Cars. He talks about it all the time, and pretty much every single night before bed he asks us if he could watch "Movies Cars." He talks about "Light Queen," and "Mater" like they are old friends. With Car's 2 coming out I was debating whether or not to take him to the theater to see it. He is a little young (not even two!) but his big time love for "Movies Cars" made me think he might sit through it. But I couldn't get past the idea of paying so much for a movie ticket if he would be 1. scared in the theatre and 2. he would get bored after 30 minutes and want to leave. I knew that a couple of local theatres offered free or $1 kids movies throughout the summer so I looked it up and decided to take Kade to go see Alpha and Omega to test out the theatre without paying an arm and a leg. We invited our good friends Allie and Emerson to go along with us. The movie was a little on the boring side and only an hour and a half, but Kade couldn't make it any longer than an hour. He got very restless so we finally decided to leave. I am happy I only paid $1!

Maybe we will try again in several months, and we can just make "Movies Cars 2" a good Christmas present!

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