September 13, 2011

Baby vacation

Bryan was off work for about a week and a half for what we like to call "baby vacation." It was SO wonderful having him here. He helped out so much! I realized the day he went back to work how helpful he had been with Kade. I was a little sad when he had to go back, but I was also really ready to starting getting back into a routine. We did a whole lot of nothing while he was off and it was wonderful. Ella had here weight check up and we were relieved to find out she was gaining her weight back. (She wasn't eating much so I was worried that maybe she wasn't gaining like she was suppose to.) We just enjoyed lazy morning and days at home. We also FINALLY welcomed cooler weather. Not much cooler, but we finally got a nice break from the 100+ degree temps we had been seeing all summer long. I took SO MANY pictures our first week home, I am in love with my family and adding Ella brings a whole new dynamic to us. I can't wait to see her personality come out. Right now she is so calm and quiet (for the most part) and so different than Kade was as a newborn. Kade cried. A lot. He wasn't ever too satisfied, so having Ella be so quiet and content is very new to us!

Kade calls the boppy pillow, the bumpy pillow and wants to lay on it all the time. SO cute!

Kristen stopped by one afternoon to meet Ella and brought us a yummy casserole!

One morning it was about 65 degrees out so we played outside ALL morning long!

One night Kade asked us if he could lay down and have him, "blues," and "bear" be "wrapped up" like Ella. So we did and he thought it was so funny!

Oh how I love these two little people more than ANYTHING!

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