September 27, 2011

Bryan's Birthday Party

Bryan celebrated his birthday the other day and to be honest I am so exhausted that a big celebration was far down my list. Bryan isn't too big on birthdays so he didn't care too much. Kade on the other hand cared. BIG TIME. I told him it was Daddy's birthday and he freaked out. He asked ALL DAY LONG when Daddy's birthday party was. So what did we do? We improvised and threw together a last minute birthday party for Daddy. We had signs, balloons, cake, everything needed to make a perfect party! Bryan was so surprised when he walked in, Kade started shouting "Happy Birthday Daddy!!" and "Daddy's birthday party!!" We went out to eat and then came home and told Kade it was time for the party. We all got our hats on, we sang Happy Birthday, Kade helped blow out the candle and then we had cake! It was so much fun! Kade LOVED every single minute!!! And Bryan said it was the best birthday he has ever had!!! Holidays, birthday, events in general are so much better when you have kids!!!

Also, I couldn't find any candles so we just used the one from my kitchen :)

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