October 25, 2011

Halloweenie Roast

This past Saturday we went to our neighborhood's annual Halloweenie Roast at the park. It was our first year to attend and it was a lot of fun! There were hot dog's, games, candy, and a costume contest! Kade won the spookiest costume award for his age group. He was pretty proud of his certificate!


Can't forget about this cute ladybug!

Just a couple of random things about this picture. 1.) Bryan taught him how to climb the spiral thing and it scares me to death (Bryan was just outside of this picture, I don't let him get too far away.) And 2.) Kade calls it the slinky (makes sense right?) except in his two year old talk he pronounces it as the winky. So every time we are at the park he yells over and over to me or Bryan that he wants to climb the winky. It is embarrassing and oh so funny!

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