October 24, 2011

Pumpkin Patch

I LOVE October! I love the arrival of fall, cooler weather, fall decorations, pumpkin carving, college football, Halloween, and the PUMPKIN PATCH! In fact, I love it so much we went twice this year! Once as a family and once with our playgroup! We are having so much fun this fall!

I told Kade he could pick out a pumpkin for himself and Ella.

Here he is showing me his.

And here is the one he picked Ella...doesn't she look excited about it?!

Sweet Babies!

When we got home from our second trip to the pumkpin patch there was a package waiting at the front door from Meme and Gdad. It was full of Halloween goodies for Kade and Ella...including these awesome lips!
It has a been a very happy October indeed!

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