October 11, 2011


My sweet little girl has turned into an absolute rockstar sleeper, for the past three night as least. She has been going to bed from 8-9pm and sleeping until 6-7am. 10 HOURS. 10 HOURS!!! This is huge! I know she is still really little and that she will probably regress a little here and there but we are making such huge progress over here! I am a new person, and I have patience again. Hallelujah! So right now I am crossing all my fingers and toes that she does this again tonight! Thank you Ella for loving and needing sleep like the rest of your family :)

I am still trying to get a big smile on camera, I have gotten a few smirks but hopefully soon I will get her giant gummy grin. I mean seriously it is HUGE when she smiles :)

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