December 31, 2011

2011 in Review

2011 was a crazy, yet wonderful year for us. Plenty of happy times, a few sad times, and all around  a wonderful year filled with blessings!

A week after finding out we are going to be a family of 4, my Mimi goes to to be with Jesus. So many wonderful memories of her and my Papa.

Record breaking ice storm in Fort Worth. We were iced in (and losing our minds) for 3 days!

We find out we are having a little girl! We also spend a lot of time outside enjoying warmer weather!

Easter and swimming for the first time in Nanny and Pappy's new pool!

We spent a wonderful week in Europe, traveling to Paris and Barcelona!

We spent lots and lots of time at the water park!

I was 8.5 months pregnant during the second hottest summer on record in Fort Worth. This was a loooong month.

Without a doubt the biggest month of the year.   Bryan and I celebrated our anniversary, my niece Addison was born, Kade turned 2, and the very next day Ella was born!

Kade starts Mother's Day Out!

We welcome Fall and have fun celebrating Halloween!

Kade is the cutest ring bearer ever in Lauren and Clay's wedding!
We celebrate the heck out of Christmas and create new family traditions. And also spend about half of the month sick! 
 Can't wait to see what 2012 hold for us! Hopefully some traveling, NO babies, and lots of fun quality time together!

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