December 16, 2011

Family Pictures

We set out the other night to try to get a good family picture for our Christmas card. Seeing as how we were using a tripod and self timer, I had VERY low expectations. It was freezing and we were only out there for about 10 minutes max which added to my low expectations. I even had family pictures lined up with another photographer in case it was the disaster I had pictured in my head. All we needed was one. Just one. One to put on our Christmas cards and to frame to remember the year. Much to my surprise we had a couple I really liked. We even had to choose between our two favorites for the family picture! I see us doing this again so soon! (Much to Bryan's delight I'm sure :) )

After pictures, we stopped downtown to check out the Christmas tree. And also to get some yummy cupcakes!

1 comment:

  1. Hey girl! I left a comment on your post from Wednesday about having you email me. Email me your mailing address at and I'll send you your gift card ASAP. By the way, these are GREAT family photos!!
