December 2, 2011

Pure Bliss

I am not caught up on my posts, but I wanted to take a second to remember this moment right now. It has been a crazy three months adjusting to our new family dynamic. It has not been easy, it has been chaotic most of the time. It seems like both of the kids sync up their bad days so that I am dealing with a grumpy newborn the same time I am dealing with a moody toddler. My patience has been tested more than I could have ever imagined. But those days are getting fewer and farther between, we are all settling in to this new lifestyle and getting on a routine. Kade (and myself) thrive on routine so this is a huge step in the right direction.

So back to the point of my post. It is 9:12am. Kade is still asleep, this is BIG TIME because he is up almost every day by 8. And Ella slept a solid 12 hours last night, woke up SO VERY HAPPY at about 7:30 played for an hour and is back down for nap #1. It is silent in my house. Both of my babies are in their room sleeping so soundly. I am sipping my coffee  while watching the Today show with the warmth of the fire going and the glow of the Christmas tree in the background. This is a moment of pure bliss. I love my babies, but quiet moments to myself have been nonexistent for the past several months. So I love this moment and want to remember it on our next rough day.

Today is going to be a GOOD day!

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