February 7, 2012

Ella Claire- 5 months

Ella turned 5 months old on January 27th. I say it all the time, but I can't even believe that in less than a month she will be half a year old. Where has the time gone?! As sad as I am that time is going too fast, I am so looking forward to what is to come. Ella and Kade have been interacting so much more and Ella has become more and more alert each day. I am starting to see her personality shine through and she is so happy!

By 5 months, she was sitting up all by herself, entertaining herself for extended periods of time, tried a little bit of food, rolling all over the place to move, and has even gotten up on all fours once or twice. I am NOT ready for her to be mobile! My hands are full as is! But I can tell all she wants is to keep up with her brother!!

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