March 7, 2012

Ella Claire 6 months old!

How can it be that my little girl is already half a year old. Where did the last 6 months go? If she is 6 months old, that means Kade is 2.5 years old! I am enjoying every second (OK, almost every second :)) of being of mom of two. I am getting the hang of this finally. And I can officially say we are settled into our life as a family of four. For a while it didn't seem really, then is was SUPER hard, and now we are all settled in. Just took us 6 months!

Ella is still the most 'chill' baby on the planet. She is so laid back, and loves to watch all the craziness around her. But we have started to notice a little sassiness come out at times. She is definitely voicing her own opinion these days. It's just through crying, and yelling instead of talking. She laughs all the time. ALL THE TIME. If Kade is in the room or just in her eyesight, all eyes are on him and all he has to do is move and she laughs. She has started some solids and likes mostly everything that we have tried. I did try giving her a puff the other day and she threw up. So we aren't quite ready for those solids yet. She is so close to crawling. I mean so close. I think every day she will take off but not yet. She gets up rocks, rocks, rocks, then screams out of frustration. Soon enough, sweet girl, but I'm not quite ready for that! At her 6 month appointment, she did great! She had to get quite a few shots that made both of us upset, but the doctor said she was growing right on schedule! I lost the information sheet but I remember her percentiles, her stats were:

Weight: 14.15 lbs (a little less than 50%)
Height: 75%
Head: 50%

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