April 28, 2012

Conversations with Kade

Kade is hilarious. Plain and Simple. I am sure most parents believe their toddlers are funny too, but I mean he comes up with the funniest, strangest things all day long. His imagination right now is just huge. I love it. Every single thing about it.

I will probably post a lot of conversations with my little man from here on out. Just because they are so darn cute.

In the car running errands earlier:
Me: "Kade what would like for lunch when we get home?"
Kade: "ummm watermelon"
Me: "Sweetie, I'm sorry we are out of watermelon. I will get some the next time I am at the store."
Kade: "No, you can get in the kitchen when we get home and just make some, MOM"
Me: "Kade,watermelon is a fruit. I can't just go make some in the kitchen"
Kade "MOM, you just need to FIGURE IT OUT."

Apparently I have magical powers, and my 2 year old became a teenager?

Conversations #2 (after Kade see's a picture of Gracie):
Nanny: "Kade who is that?"
Kade: "Oh, that's just Gracie"
Nanny: "Where is Gracie?"
Kade: "Oh she just went to town."
Me: "Why did she go to town?"
Kade: "Because she needed a screwdriver."
Me: "Why did she need a screwdriver?"
Kade: "to fix her foot"
Me: "What was wrong with her foot?"
Kade: "Her toe flamed up and broke, so she needed the screwdriver to fix it."
Me: "Ohhh"

Just another semi-normal conversation with my little guy.

 Oh and I have a confession, Gracie went to live with a new family several months ago. Kade still talks about her daily, and prays for her every night. We didn't tell him much other than she went bye bye. Before when we asked him where she was, he answered "at the dr because she was sad." It broke my heart when he answered with that. So I will take her flamed up foot and broken toe any day of the week!

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