May 21, 2012

Kade's last day as a St. Paul Lil Lamb!

What a year! Back in September, Kade had his first day of Mother's Day Out. I was sick to my stomach because I wasn't ready for him to start any kind of "school." I loved my days with him, but with Ella being 2 weeks old at the time, I knew it would be a nice break for me. I didn't know what to expect, but I knew he would like it. But what I didn't expect was how much he would LOVE IT! It was so good for him. The experiences he had, the people we met, the loving atmosphere his teachers created blew me away. They cared so much about the kids in their class. We had an absolute fantastic experience this first year of MDO. Kade went knowing his colors, shapes, most of his letters and numbers, singing several songs. And he left knowing ALL of his letters and numbers, singing countless songs, and best of all POTTY TRAINED (can we say worth every penny?!)  Yes, his teacher potty trained him. Awesome.

On his last day of school, all the MDO kids put on a performance for the parents. It was the CUTEST thing ever. I even teared up a bit (I hate when things come to an end, I get emotional every time)!
The kids sang about 8-10 songs. On the last song, the Penguin Song, the director announced that this was Kade's favorite song. I had heard from his teachers, on his daily report, and from Kade about the penguin song and how much Kade loved it, but I didn't know what the heck the penguin song was! So I was excited to finally see! It was adorable! Just a song about penguins that had a bunch of dance moves that made them look like they were penguins! Kade did his job perfectly! I thought he might be embarrassed, but he danced and sang all the songs! It was just precious!

After the performance, the kids were free to go. We said our goodbyes to the teachers (I might have teared up again), and they gave us a scrapbook for our child with pictures and hand-print art from throughout the year. Since we are moving, it was weird walking out knowing that we would probably never see his teachers again. They were such a big part of our year, and helped us out more than they will ever know. They watched Kade really grow into his own person (even watched Ella grow for that matter!) And all of Kade's sweet friends from school, we will miss them SO MUCH!!!

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