June 7, 2012

We moved.

Yup, it happened. We moved. Not too far but to a 'new' home. We bought our second fixer upper and the fun (read: exhaustion) hasn't stopped since. A little breakdown of our move...

We closed in old house a couple of weeks ago. We closed on the new house a week ago, and rented old house back for the time in between. So we get keys to new house Wednesday, spend a good 12-15 hours moving all of our things and somehow manage to store it all in the garage and sunroom of the new house. We have a lot of work to do before the new floors go in so we plan on starting immediately. Thursday night Bryan and I get food poisoning and were out of commission for a good 24 hours. Finally, Saturday the work began. And we have not stopped since. Every last inch of this house (trim, built ins, walls, etc) must be painted before the flooring starts monday. That means late nights of painting after the kids go to bed. We are starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel and will hopefully be all moved in in about a week and half. I'm sure my parents will be ready for us to get out of their hair. Can't even explain how much help they have been these past couple of weeks! Praise the lord for parents!

A few pictures of our life at the moment:

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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