July 5, 2012

4th of July

We had a great time this year celebrating the 4th. It was a little hectic. Bryan was painted the last room that needs to be painted so he missed out on some of the festivities. But we decided since he was off work that day, it would be best to go ahead and finish. On the third we went to my parents to swim and have dinner with the girls. Bryan came home from work with some sparklers and a few other things. Hailey, Ashlyn, and Kade had a blast doing the sparklers. Bryan lit this cone firework in my parents backyard that ended up being huge and loud! It was crazy! It kept going and getting taller and taller! Nanny was having a heartattack! So we decided to load up and take the kids to get some more fireworks and go where we could shoot them off! It was great!
On the 4th, I took the kids to the neighborhood parade in the morning. Then kade and I went with my mom and the girls to see Madagascar, and finally we finished up the night on the lawn of the country club watching the fireworks! It was a great day!

This was the best I could get of both of them..
Here are the outtakes:

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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