July 16, 2012

Ella Claire- 10 monthd old

Several weeks ago, Ella turned 10 month old! What?! How is it possible that in less than two month my sweet baby will be ONE! This year has been the fastest year yet. At 10 months old Ella is EVERYWHERE and into EVERYTHING! She has an attitude one minute and wants to snuggle with you the next. She is talking more and more. She says mama, uh oh, dada, ella, and I think she is also saying Kade. It doesn't sound totally like Kade but sort of similar and she says it everytime she sees him. She also just started shaking her head back and forth and saying "nahh nahh" which I assume she is meaning no because she does it anytime I do something she doesn't particularly love. :) She is still sleeping like a dream, and eating everything under the sun (including anything she find on the floor!) I have a feeling that very soon we will be baby proofing the entire house because she gets into everything!

Ella Claire, you are bring us so much JOY! I can't imagine life without you sweet girl!

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