August 21, 2012


Our life is settling back to normal after the move, renovations, and crazy summer schedule. I am so happy to have family dinners again, nighttime walks, playtime, etc. I had missed our normal routine! After dinner, we usually go for a walk, then it is baths and we finish up with some playtime, or dancing, or snuggling, just whatever tickles our fancy for the night! Tonight it was playtime in the playroom.

By the time bedtime rolls around, the playroom looks like a disaster zone.

Bryan deciced to make himself comfortable in Kade's chair, Kade was bringing the "gang" over for him to hold.

Ella tried to get the camera.

Snuggling with Dad!

Ella loves her books!

Kade's face is blurry, but I had to get a picture of the "gang". The gang consists of Blue, Bear, Snuggy, and Gerry the Giraffe. I spend my days looking for one of them and trying to keep up with them all. I told Kade he wasn't allowed to add anymore animals to the gang... 

Ella was mad because she wanted to play with Kade's toy, but I wanted Kade to show Bryan this toy. Kade came in and sat down with it the other day and he knew SO MUCH. It kinda freaked me out! A voice asks where certain things are and you push the state to find it. I was literally in shock watching him, toddlers are smart little things.

We finished up the night with a birthday party for Gerry. We have been talking nonstop about birthday's and parties for a few weeks now. It is a hot topic in this house :)

And then a few books before bed!

Love, love, love my family time!

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