August 6, 2012

Ella Claire- 11 Months old

On July, 27th, Ella turned 11 months old. I short month away from turning 1 year old. Excuse me while I cry a river. I honestly can't even believe that we are this close to her first birthday. This month we had two big milestones. First being her first tooth! Hooray! I was beginning to worry we were going to need  baby dentures if there is such a thing! Second is she took her first steps! She is now walking about 50% of the time and getting better by the day! It is hard to believe that this fall I am going to have two walking kids. YIKES! What a fun (and exhausting) 11 months it has been!

Side note, Ella's ability to move at incredibly fast speeds makes it impossible to take pictures of her anymore. Honestly, I have never seen a kid crawl as fast as she can. And I think she would be walking more if she would try to take her time. She is a nut! So this was the best I was able to get!

And below is what every other picture looked like. Actually, this is a good one compared to the others..

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