November 5, 2012

Halloween Party!

Several months ago I was browsing Pinterest and causally mentioned to Bryan that we should have a Halloween party. I was half way kidding. Bryan took me serious, he was excited and the following Monday told ALL his coworkers we were having a party.

Thus, our Halloween party was born. 

I drug my feet the entire way. I really didn't want to have it. Bryan couldn't stop talking about it.He had so many ideas on what to do with the house, he even came home one day and said he needed a fog machine and a projector. I almost canceled it right then and there. I love that Bryan puts 200% into whatever it is that he is doing, but it wears me out. The party was all he could talk about for about 6 weeks. The week before the party I was over it. 

I pulled myself together and Bryan did his thing (which was basically putting the entire thing together) and it ended up being a lot of fun! As much as I made fun of my husband and his crazy ideas, he really did a great job! There were singing pumpkins in the back yard, a grave yard, black lights and neon balloons in the garage, and Halloween decor everywhere! From what I could tell everyone had fun! It was a great mix of fun for adults and kids and we might do it again next year!

I did a terrible job of taking pictures. TERRIBLE! I didn't get hardly any of all the cute decorations and set ups. So this will have to do!

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