November 12, 2012

The Little E

This little girl has had a vocabulary explosion lately. Kade and Ella have shown me in more ways than one that all kids are SO different. Kade didn't speak a single word until 17 months, I was so worried. Then he started talking and within a week he had more words than I could count and he was speaking sentences shortly after. He was also very clear and most people could understand him. Ella is like a total 180. I say she is more "normal" on the talking scale. She had a few words at 12 months and has slowly added more. And as of a few weeks ago, her vocabulary has exploded. The thing is I am sure only Bryan and I are the only ones who have a clue what most of the words are. I started making a list today of all her words and I eventually stopped because she really had more than I realized!
Here is the list:
Ade (kade)
Ho (hello)
Dadee (baby)
Boon (balloon)
Di (after watching I'm fairly certain this means drink)
Night night
Uh oh
Mmmmmm (when she is hungry :)
Bi (bite)
Tank eww (thank you)
And there were more! She is really starting to identify things with words! I love watching babies learn at this age, it is so fun!!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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