December 13, 2012

FFP Christmas Program

I just got home from Kade's preschool Christmas program. It was the cutest thing EVER! I, naturally, cried. I tell myself before any event that I will not cry, but I just can't help myself. One of the best parts of being a parent is watching your child succeed. I could have watched Kade perform his songs 100 times and I would have still felt just as proud every single time. All the age groups performed about 4 songs each, then the entire preschool performed two songs together. Kade knew every word and movement, and performed his little heart out! I was beaming with pride!

I wanted a picture of Kade before school. Out of 5, this was the best one by far. No lie.

Bryan was up on the balcony filming and Kade found him about half way through :)

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