December 4, 2012

Santa 2012

We took the kids to see Santa this weekend. And it went just as I had imagined. Kade took his job verrrrry seriously. As we stood in line he was processing this whole thing, I could just tell. He didn't say much just stood quietly. Then as he was next in line Santa waved at him and he was soooooo excited. It took some of the seriousness off his face. As for Ella? Well, she screamed. And screamed and screamed. Just as
I had imagined she would! I love both of these pictures for two very different reasons. The first well, it is probably the worlds worst Santa picture. From Ella screamed her head off to Kade and his awful cheese smile, it's all bad. But I love it! And the second picture, oh my goodness. The innocence and preciousness of my little boy is to much for me to take. It makes me tear up just looking at it.

Kade was very serious about telling Santa what he wanted. He told him he wanted a kitchen, washer and drier (this was new to Santa about a week ago, it caused him to scramble a bit), an iron, and a baby music radio for Ella.

Two things to add: first Kade is very into domestic things right now, which is obvious from his Santa list. My mom, Bryan, and I think it is hilarious. And second, Bryan and I were talking and the fact that on HIS Santa list he includes something for Ella totally melted our hearts. They can have their moments of fighting and whining at each other, but those two truly love each other and that is one of the greatest feelings in the world! I am so proud of that boy!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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