December 14, 2012

The most wonderful time of the year!

I have been in a bit of a Christmas funk. i don't know why, but I blame the unseasonably warm weather. Or the fact that we have been so busy we haven't truly had a moment to slow down and enjoy the holidays. Either way, I am trying hard to turn my mood around and I have a lot of fun things planned next week to spread some Christmas cheer! I saw today on Kelly's Korner she was hosting a "Show us your life: Christmas Decor" linky party. So I thought maybe I should do it to help motivate me to get in the SPIRIT! So here ya go!

We moved to our new house in June so it was my first time to decorate this house for Christmas. I like everything just so-so. But due to my funk  I haven't had it in me to add or change anything around. I didn't even finish decorating the big tree in the living room! I was just too tired and never got around to it! I sound like the Grinch! Maybe next year I can pull it together and finish my decorating and add a few more new things!

View from the entry way

I really love how my fireplace/mantel turned out. Simple yet perfect for me!

I still love my (wrinkly) PB stockings!

Dining room, my favorite room in the house! 

Our first Christmas as newlyweds, my grandmother gave us our Nativity scene. It is my favorite thing to put out every year!

A little bit of Christmas sprinkled on the bookcase

The kids tree in the playroom!

After my grandparents passed, my brothers and I were able to split their Dickens village. It brings some of our very favorite memories of Christmas to our minds. I sat and stared at the village for HOURS and would pretend I was living among the village people!

This is only 1/3 of what my grandparents had! Amazing! Kade sits and stares at the village just like I did, and that makes me sooooo happy!

I don't like a lot of decor in my kitchen, crowded counter-tops make me claustrophobic. But this is my view when I am cooking, I love seeing both of my trees from the kitchen!

My hutch holds my Christmas cards, our old Christmas cards, and old Santa pictures! So fun!


  1. Stopping by from Kelly's Korner...

    I have been in a funk this year, too! I blame it on being overly busy. I wasn't planning on getting my village out this year, but your post may have motivated me. =) Your house is beautiful!

  2. What a beautiful home! I love all of your little touches!

  3. From Kelly's Korner....Love your decor! Love the Nativity from your Grandparents....what a wonderful keepsake!

    Have a blessed Christmas!
