December 25, 2012

Christmas Day SNOW!

This year we woke up on Christmas morning to thunderstorms and by about noon it had switched over to snow and it fell for the rest of the afternoon! This was our 2 white Christmas in 4 years which is unbelievable in Texas! No complaints here, I LOVE snow! After the wind stopped blowing and the snow slowed down, we went out in the back yard to play some! Kade was a maniac, MANIAC! He was running and jumping, making snowballs, and made more snow angels than I can count. Ella was happy for about 2 minutes and then she wanted back in the heat!

What wonderful memories! I can't believe Kade is only 3 and this was his SECOND white Christmas! And that Ella experienced her first white Christmas at only ONE! Maybe they are lucky charms!

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