December 24, 2012

Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve was fantastic this year! We had our traditional monkey bread for breakfast, then cookies for Santa, playing, cooking, relaxing, and then we went to the candle light Christmas service at Kade's preschool/church. Our church did a Christmas Eve Eve service that we attended that the day before. The Christmas eve service is my favorite holiday tradition. And this year was no different. We went back to my parents for a big traditional dinner and then we got ready for SANTA! Kade this year was SO MUCH FUN! He really grasped the idea and excitement of Santa. I downloaded a Santa Tracker app for my phone and he checked all day long where the big man was. He told us that along with cookies for Santa, we needed to put out broccoli and salad for him and the reindeer. So that is what we did! After that it was reading Twas the night before Christmas and then off to bed! We all played games and waited on SANTA after the kids were in bed!

I didn't take nearly as many pictures as I normally do. I kind of put my camera away this year. I wanted to in the moment and present rather than trying to capture the perfect picture and I don't regret it at all! Bryan did have the video camera glue to his hand all night so we have plentyyyyy of video!

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