December 23, 2012

Family Christmas

Since we were spending Christmas eve and Christmas day with my family and leaving the 26th to be with Bryan's family, we chose December 23rd to open our family gifts to each other. We made an entire day of it. Big breakfast together, then presents and playing all day, our churches Christmas Eve Eve service, then off to a Japanese Steakhouse for dinner (more on that in another post!) It was so fun! Making memories with my family is my favorite thing in the world, and this day was filled with so many wonderful memories!

Our very own Santa passed out all the gifts. 

They were soooo excited!

We started with the youngest and worked our way up!

Ella girl got rain boots and wore them all day long. In fact, I had to hide them from her because she still wants to wear them all day long! Sister loves her shoes! 

Big brother got rain boots as well!

Kade's gift to Bryan was some new razors. We decided to be practical this year!

I mean seriously, how cute is he?!

 Bryan got last years blog book! He was shocked and had no idea I really kept up with this thing!

The kids also got new step stools, and let me tell you they were a crowd favorite!

Squeaky clean before church!

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