January 21, 2013


Today has been a day of not leaving the house. Main reason is that we have had someone here working on our broken kitchen sink faucet. Either way, I am not a fan of staying at home all day. The morning is our time to get out, run errands, go to the park, or whatever else we might need or want to do. I have taken a few pictures of the kids this morning that just make me laugh. Ella has taken to climbing. She climbs and stands in top of everything. I keep finding her standing on top of things and it sort of freaks me out!

I heard something in the bathroom and found this :)

This is from several days ago but when Kade ran in and said Ella was in top of the toy box I didn't believe him. Guess I was wrong!

We call her Godzilla, and it is obvious why from the picture!

Kade has played and played and played in his room this morning. I walked in to check on him and found this. Such a BOY!

Parking garage, fire station, and Bat cave. Oh and the longest line of hot wheels known to man. I love boys. Love them.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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