February 20, 2013

Dallas Zoo

Last Friday, Bryan was off work so we loaded up and went to the Dallas Zoo! It was freezing so i was worried all the animals would be hiding, but that wasn't the case AT ALL! All the animals were out and super playful! Probably because they were trying to stay warm but it made it fun for us! And on top of that the zoo was basically empty. We had a great time!

This penguin was so funny! He was following Kade wherever he went! 

I wanted a good picture before we went in, out of 5 this was the best...

Ella directed with the map for a while.

Our favorite giraffe, Tobago, wasn't out this day, but this giraffe was just as friendly!

Ella fed the giraffe herself and giggled SO hard!

I just love this boy! And this boy LOVES his binoculars!

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