March 19, 2013

Ella Claire 18 months

Ella is 18 (well, almost 19) months! I just can't believe that! Ella is in my absolute favorite age right now. I LOVE toddlers, so weird I know. Ella goes 100 miles an hour all day. She is NONSTOP and it is exhausting but I love it. She is HILARIOUS and will do anything for a laugh. Dinnertime usually consists of all of us sitting around staring at Ella and the funny thing she is doing. Ella had her 18 month appointment about a month ago and did awesome! She is right on track!

Ella at 18 months:
  • can name and point to *most* of her body parts. It took a while but she finally has them down. And if all else fails she will just point to her bellybutton (or baboo ad she calls it)
  • has an ever increasing vocabulary. Her newest thing is saying "uh oh pappgettio" all day. It is so darn cute! At her appointment her dr asked how many words she said and I couldn't even count because she has such a large vocabulary!
  • LOVES music. I mean seriously LOVES it. And 'pop' music is her genre of choice. She squeals and dances loudly any time a Bruno Mars or Taylor Swift song comes on the radio--no lie. It is hilarious. I have already told Bryan to start setting money aside because this girl is going to love concerts. Her little body CANNOT help but move and wiggle when she hears music. 
  • And speaking of music, she has started to sing along to the radio. It doesn't make any sense but she is singing, and it is precious. 
  • she thinks she is just as big as Kade, and is tough as nails.
  • she has an obsession with shoes. We have to hide our shoes from her or else she has them on and is attempting to walk around the house in them. 
  • if we are home, her babydolls are her toy of choice (well, other than shoes). She loves on her babies and loves to line them all up. 
  • is eating pretty well with a fork and spoon. Its just so messy that I have a hard time letting her do it totally herself. 
  • loves to play in Kade's room more than any other room in the house. 
  • has an attitude the size of Texas.
  • goes to bed between 7 & 7:30 and sleeps until 8 or 8:30 most days. She also takes a three hour nap every afternoon. Typically from 12:30-3:30. 
  • Wears size 12 months, but I have noticed they are getting snug so we have moved to some 18 months. 
  • is a climber! Oh my goodness this girl loves to climb and is getting better daily. Lord help us if she learns how to climb out if the crib. 

Her stats:
Height: 31 inches (between 50%-75%)
Weight: 22.4lbs (25%)
Head: I can't remember the exact but it was 50%

Ella Claire, we just adore the heck out of you! We love you to the moon and back! XOXO

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