April 1, 2013

Egg hunt number 2

Last Friday, we went to our second egg hunt with Emerson and Madison! We had a great time, and I might have found a prize egg and threw it in Ella's basket. Watching the kids this year was fun. Kade ran as fast as he could to get eggs, he was a maniac. And then was SO excited to see what was inside each one. Ella would walk find an egg, open it, want the candy and be totally content with just that one egg as long as she could eat what was inside. During her age group they had packages of goldfish laying around and once she found one, it was over. Sister just wanted to eat her goldfish :)

This was Kade's second year to wear this Easter outfit. And bless his skinny heart, the shorts were STILL so loose in the waist. Afterwards we went to dinner, and when we were walking back to the car I heard him say "What is happening?!" I looked down and his shorts were down around his ankles, haha! SO maybe we will get a third year out of this outfit??

Side note- Dressing my kids for Easter is my FAVORITE holiday to dress them. I mean, how adorable?!?!?

Nothing like a little sibling love :)

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