May 12, 2013

Big girl bed!

On Friday, we said goodbye to the crib and switched Ella to a big girl bed! I was so nervous but we were fairly certain the loud thumps and crying we heard in her room was her trying to climb out of the crib.

How has she done? AWESOME! She has blown us away and hasn't ever gotten out of bed. Not a single time, at bedtime and naptime! We laugh when we see her asleep in there, it's looks like she is thinking "y'all have been holding out on me!" She is loving her big girl bed!

Saying goodbye to the crib where both my babies slept! Bittersweet!

She was SO excited the first night!

The next morning when I heard her on the monitor I jumped in the shower before going to get her. I wanted to give her some time to see if she would get out. When I walked in I found this! Just sitting on the bed playing!

We put the baby gate up at her door because we didn't want her roaming the house :) and we moved her dresser in the hall for the night because it wasn't bolted to the wall.

So proud of my big little girl!!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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