May 29, 2013

End of year program

Last week, Kade's school put on their end of year program for all the parents. The theme was Nursery Rhymes from around the world. It was so funny, and adorable. I was so proud watching Kade up there singing his songs! During one of the songs the button on his pants came undone or something because he stopped singing about half way through, hiked his shirt up to hold with his chin and worked on rebuttoning his pants. We were dying laughing! The finale song was his favorite, he sang his heart out to "He's got the whole world in his hands." It was just precious. I can't believe that we only have ONE school day left this year. It has been an awesome year!

We have been so blessed by Kade's teacher this year. We will miss her!

We are SO proud of our big boy!

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