May 12, 2013


I still have about 4 days of trip blogging to do but it is taking me forever and I want to stay caught up on day to day life! So I will just back date the trip blogs as I finish!

Kade got his first real black eye. A milestone for any boy!

These two have been keeping me on my toes lately...

Just working on a little homework :)

He told me "this is perfect! I'm not going out of the lines at all!" He is not lacking in the confidence department :)

For a straight week out sunroom was turned into a cruise ship and there were parades an all. I was asked everyday to NOT mess up the parade on the ship :))

Little gym fun!

One morning Ella would not stop hugging Kade, it was hilarious!

I think this sums up the two of them very well!

My baking buddies!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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