June 23, 2013

Rangers game!

My dad had tickets to the Rangers game last week and since they weren't using them we decided to go! I felt like the clouds parted and heaven was shining down on me because it was probably the nicest summer night we have had to date 😄. I love going to the games but I don't do heat and humidity, so needless to say the weather being perfect was a huge deal for me! 

Kade LOVED going. It was so cute watching him because he was so curious about everything. How many players on the field? What base is that? Why did they hit it that way? Why do they run that way? Where is the ball? What position is that? And on and on and on. Sometimes the nonstop questions kill me but I love his curiosity! Ella was just ok. She preferred all the snacks instead of watching baseball. But she was so much better than I was expecting! 

The weekend before Kade got to go with Nanny and Pappy for a day of fun! He had a blast! 



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