June 24, 2013

Sea World

This past weekend we decided to take a small weekend getaway to San Antonio and take the kids to Sea World!  I was just looking forward to a relaxing weekend with my three favorite people. 

We loaded up Friday morning and our first stop was our very favorite breakfast joint in Fort Worth! Paris Coffee Shop has the best French toast that there ever was. Not kidding. 

Then we hit the road to San Antonio. We checked in to our hotel, let the kids swim a bit, them cleaned up to go have dinner on the river walk. We had a great dinner, the kids loooooved the fact that we were right in the water and enjoyed watching all the ducks swarm. :) After dinner we walked around a bit, saw the Alamo, then headed back to the hotel for the night! 

This girl had her purse and was ready to go! 

The kids wouldn't cooperate for a pic during dinner so just one of B and I! 

 Oh wait, unless you call this cooperate. I said please just sit still and look at me! And that is precisely what he did..

Sweet, sweet babies! 

Saturday was Sea World day! Here we are waiting for Shamu! Both kids loved Shamu!!!

Waiting to get splashed to cool off. Ella was NOT a fan :)

We rocked out with Elmo and the gang for a bit :)) 

This was mine and Kade's favorite part of the day! The dolphins! 

We really had the best time! 

That night we went back to the hotel and swam for the rest of the night! Ella was so tired she was delirious! 

And finally, why is the luggage cart so much fun?! Love these two! 





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