August 26, 2013

Texas --> Maryland

On Saturday afternoon we said goodbye to our families and flew out of Texas to our new home in Maryland. That day was long and very emotionally and physically draining. We were so sad to leave family and friends. We cried many tears but in the end we are very excited for this opportunity. After a good nights sleep (seriously we all slept hard that night) we woke up and went our to get to know our new town! We found an awesome park for the kids and let them burn off some energy! Next, we had our final walk through on our house! I was excited to see it again. And it was even better having the kids with us! They were so excited and wanted to know which room was theirs, etc! The best part was seeing them run across the giant backyard! That's the entire reason we picked this house! We are set to close on Thursday and the movers come Friday. Hooray for only 5 more days of hotel living! 

Sadly this wasn't all our luggage. We had several more bags and it was then I made the executive decision to send the car seats in the car and rent some from Avis. There would have been zero way we would have made it through the airport! 

Loading our cars! This boy was in heaven!! 

Saying good bye was SO hard! 

We woke up our first morning here to a nice 58 degrees!! 

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