September 30, 2013

Apple Picking

I decided to take the kids apple picking today at Homestead Farms. It is quite a drive from us but I felt prepared and thought it would be fun. We loaded up this morning with breakfast, Mickey on the iPad, and coffee in hand to make the trek. By the time we got there I was patting myself on the back for a job well done. This was our first big outing since moving here and I navigated through DC like a champ and made it to the farm pretty decent time! And that's when I realized I left my wallet at home. All my gloating was quickly over with and I thought I was going to have to tell the kids that we could walk around, but we wouldn't be leaving with any apples or any other goodies.

 Luckily I thought to ask the workers if Bryan could call and pay over the phone and they were more than willing to let him do that so the day was saved! We got our wheelbarrow and basket and headed out to pick us some apples! I don't know what varieties we ended up with, but all are delicious! The air was crisp and every time I turned around Kade was grabbing another apple and eating them right off the tree! I bet he seriously ate about 5 total apples, and Ella probably ate 2! It was a wonderful adventure and I am sure we will make it a yearly tradition! Hopefully next time Bryan can join in on the fun!

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