September 29, 2013

Everyday life and Bryan's birthday

So much fun has been happening around here! We are getting settled and loving exploring our new area! Last weekend was Bryan's birthday. His aunt and uncle were in town and we had the best time! I can't explain how happy it made us to have a little piece of home here in Maryland! They spoiled my kids rotten and we were all sad time went by so fast! On Bryan's birthday we went to Annapolis and had crab cakes and ice cream on the Chesapeake Bay. We also shopped and walked around taking in the gorgeous weather and views! I only took two pictures and I'm kicking myself for not taking more! But I also included some other pics of our everyday life!

Someone got into the markers..

Trying on their costumes! 

Could this view be any better?

Halloween jams!

Following a horse and buggy to the grocery store has become somewhat normal to me now.

My crazies :) 

Picnic at the park after school! 

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