September 12, 2013

First day of preschool and MDO!

This week both kids started school! Kade is doing the preschool 3's class again to get back on track for Kindergarten. He goes three mornings a week. Only going half a day was adjustment but I am starting to like it! He loves his new school and teacher and I think it is going to be a fabulous year!

This morning was a big morning for Ella Claire! She started Mother's Day Out at the same school! She is going one day a week from 9-1. I think its the perfect amount for her! She woke up this morning EXCITED! She running around the house saying "I wook tute!" (I look cute!) She did AWESOME on her first day! She walked right in, put her back pack in her cubby and didn't look back! Her teacher asked if she was going to say bye to me and she turned around and said "bye bye MOM!" I reminded her is was MAMA not Mom. :) When I picked them both up today they had both just finished lunch and were sitting next to each other playing.



The teachers said when they saw each other they ran to each other screaming their names. Kade told me his favorite part of the day was seeing Ella. And most of the way home when I told Ella how proud I was of her on her first day of school she just responded with, "I see KK at 'cool"

God Bless those babies, they make my heart burst in to a thousand pieces of confetti.

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