October 28, 2013

Surprise trip home

Several weeks ago I was feeling very very homesick. I got Lauren's shower invite in the mail the same day Bryan had to go to Fort Worth for work. I was so sad that he was seeing my family and our friends and that I was going to miss celebrating with Lauren. She is having twins for crying out loud, it is a huge monumental occasion! So that week I looked up flights and found good deals and just booked the trip for me to go home the weekend of the shower. I had major guilt not taking Kade with me because I knew he would be sad that he didn't go. So we just kept where I was going a secret.

This weekend it self was pretty much perfect! I surprised Lauren Friday night at her parents house and we all had the best time catching up and just hanging out. The shower was so perfect the next day too! I am so happy I got to see that precious baby belly one more time! I also got to hang out with Brad, Kristen, and all the girls! I hugged those girls so right when I saw them! 

It was such a great weekend and honestly I was so refreshed getting a weekend break that I might have to get away again next spring, ha! 

I love, love, love the flight out of Reagan! 

Next time we are home the sweet little babies will be here!!!!!

And what did Bryan and the kids so while I was gone? The painted my kitchen cabinets! I can barely get through a load of laundry during the day with the kids and in 48 hours Bryan had done yard work, painted my kitchen cabinets, and had the house spotless. Go figure :) 


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