December 12, 2013

Christmas Program

I look forward to the Christmas program all year long. There is nothing sweeter to me than a bunch of preschoolers singing Christmas carols. This year was extra sweet because BOTH of my babies were in it!! I never knew the amount of pride and excitement I would experience watching my own child perform but multiply that times 2 and my excitement was busting through the roof! We were SO proud watching our babies up there. It is so fun!! I was a little worried because it was at 1:30 on a school day for Ella. Most days that I pick Ella up after school she can barely function she is so tired. But she was awesome! And loved being center of attention! Kade was awesome as well. The girl in front of him stood up and he stayed sitting down so we could only see part of him for about half the performance. But he sang the entire time! So proud of these guys!

Ella is bottom center sitting by her teacher and Kade is top left!

Kade is hard to spot because he was in the mix! He is right in the center here!

Miss priss was easy to spot because she was front and center!

Kade is towards the top left.

Sweet Ms Weimert. She has been such a wonderful teacher, she tells me every day how much she loves Kade. I couldn't ask for anything more!

Bryan was making fun of Kade's pants being pulled up high, I didn't think they looked that bad. But looking back at this picture maybe he was right, hahaha!

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